Most likely, your company utilizes multiple software and applications to perform different tasks, often a combination of on-premise, cloud and mobile apps, including software-enabled services like shipping, payment gateways, etc. It’s to be expected, as your business is surely made up of many moving parts that require attention and management.
The issue that arises here is the inability of systems to “talk” to each other in a common language. As a result, you spend an exorbitant amount of time, effort, and money on tracking numerous processes.
When done correctly, all your applications and systems will have a seamless connection with Salesforce and feed it information through connectors and/or APIs. Similarly, the connectors and APIs can be used to send information from Salesforce back to those apps. Our Salesforce consultants work with you to identify the applications and systems you’re using, determine connectivity options, gauge the volume of data that will flow between the systems to arrive at a solution to utilize tools, connectors or to create custom code to consume available APIs to accomplish the integration goals of your business.
Thankfully, Salesforce includes options to automate your business processes by integrating Salesforce with third-party applications, such as with legacy systems or a DropBox etc What users get is one central point of entry into multiple programs.